Sơn giả đá là gì? Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật làm sơn giả đá 2024

Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật làm sơn giả đá

Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật làm sơn giả đá: Sơn giả đá đang được nhiều người ưa chuộng bởi có độ bền cao và khả năng chống thấm rất tốt. Mặt khác, sơn giả đá có chi phí thấp hơn nhiều, tiết kiệm thời gian nếu so với thi công đá thật. Vậy sơn giả đá là gì, kỹ thuật làm sơn giả đá như thế nào? Cùng IHATA paint Find out!

What is faux stone paint?

Imitation stone paint (stone paint) is a type of decorative paint, with a finished surface similar to natural stone, often called artistic stone paint. It makes the faux stone wall paint surface have the same color and texture as natural stone, bringing perfect beauty and luxury to every project. Imitation stone paint is often used for walls, columns, ceilings,... projects that require highly artistic architecture.

Stone paint's English name is: Stone Paint

What is faux stone paint?

The main ingredient is Pure Acrylic and other additives, undergoing a complete tropicalization process to meet the hot and humid climate in Vietnam. The surface of the imitation stone paint is made of flexible paint layers, stacked on top of each other like fish scales, thinly covered. Therefore, it does not increase the load of the project but also helps it be durable over time.

You can see architectural works using natural stone imitation paint with extremely diverse types such as indoor imitation stone paint, outdoor imitation stone paint with different gloss, smoothness, and roughness such as shopping centers. shopping, restaurants, resorts, entertainment areas...

Advantages & disadvantages of imitation stone paint - Stone Paint

Advantages of imitation stone paint

As we know, stone painting is increasingly chosen and loved by more and more people. Because it brings users many outstanding features that few can replace. Below are some outstanding features of stone paint:

  • Cost savings: Compared to using imitation stone panels, the cost of painting imitation stone walls is only 2/3. If compared with real stone construction, the cost of painting imitation stone is also much lower. Therefore, to reduce costs, save time, and increase the durability of your project, choose imitation stone paint.
  • Aesthetics: Does not increase the tonnage of the project but still retains its luxurious and flashy beauty. Can be constructed on curved surfaces and complex locations.
The painted white round column imitation stone model is highly aesthetic
  • Durable: The imitation stone paint model is considered to be highly durable and has good waterproofing ability. If put on the scale to compare oil paint, water paint or some other types of paint that are susceptible to mold, stains, cracks... while imitation stone paint has overcome those disadvantages.
  • Diverse designs, proactively designed according to your own style: If you are constructing real stone, you do not have the opportunity to choose much but must follow a certain type of stone. As for painting stone, you can choose for yourself the color of the stone, the type of stone you want to design, the stone grain, and the technique in difficult-to-install locations, prone to mold, rot, and yellowing. In addition, faux stone paint also gives you the freedom to decorate in your own style in a new and unique way. Easy to replace when the homeowner wishes.

Hướng dẫn kỹ thuật làm sơn giả đá

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Sheikh Abdur Rahim
4 months ago

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All raw materials.
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